NC_006531_Anguilla_anguilla TOPOLOGY circular source 1..16683 ff_definition NC_006531_Anguilla_anguilla mitochondrial DNA, ??? organelle mitochondrion organism NC_006531_Anguilla_anguilla specimen_voucher ??? mol_type genomic DNA CDS 2875..3846 codon_start 1 gene ND1 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 transl_table 2 CDS 4059..5103 codon_start 1 gene ND2 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 CDS 5493..7085 codon_start 1 gene COXI product cytochrome c oxidase subunit I transl_table 2 CDS 7229..7919 codon_start 1 gene COXII product cytochrome c oxidase subunit II note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 CDS 7997..8164 codon_start 1 gene ATPase8 product ATPase subunit 8 transl_table 2 CDS 8155..8837 codon_start 1 gene ATPase6 product ATPase subunit 6 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 CDS 8838..9622 codon_start 1 gene COXIII product cytochrome c oxidase subunit III note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 CDS 9695..10043 codon_start 1 gene ND3 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 CDS 10115..10411 codon_start 1 gene ND4L product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L transl_table 2 CDS 10405..11785 codon_start 1 gene ND4 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 CDS 11999..13840 codon_start 1 gene ND5 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 transl_table 2 CDS complement(13837..14358) codon_start 1 gene ND6 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 transl_table 2 CDS 14432..15571 codon_start 1 gene Cytb product cytochrome b transl_table 2 rRNA 71..1019 product 12S rRNA note the 5 or 3 end of rRNA has been adjusted rRNA 1091..2798 product 16S rRNA note the 5 or 3 end of rRNA has been adjusted tRNA 1..70 product tRNA-Phe tRNA 1020..1090 product tRNA-Val tRNA 2799..2874 product tRNA-Leu note Anticodon: UAA tRNA 3849..3920 product tRNA-Ile tRNA complement(3920..3990) product tRNA-Gln tRNA 3990..4058 product tRNA-Met tRNA 5104..5175 product tRNA-Trp tRNA complement(5177..5245) product tRNA-Ala tRNA complement(5247..5319) product tRNA-Asn tRNA complement(5355..5420) product tRNA-Cys tRNA complement(5421..5491) product tRNA-Tyr tRNA complement(7077..7147) product tRNA-Ser note Anticodon: UGA tRNA 7153..7222 product tRNA-Asp tRNA 7920..7995 product tRNA-Lys tRNA 9623..9694 product tRNA-Gly tRNA 10044..10114 product tRNA-Arg tRNA 11786..11854 product tRNA-His tRNA 11855..11925 product tRNA-Ser note Anticodon: GCU tRNA 11926..11998 product tRNA-Leu note Anticodon: UAG tRNA complement(14359..14427) product tRNA-Glu tRNA 15572..15644 product tRNA-Thr tRNA complement(15650..15719) product tRNA-Pro D-loop 15720..16683 note control region