NC_069307_Mordacia_mordax TOPOLOGY circular source 1..17233 ff_definition NC_069307_Mordacia_mordax mitochondrial DNA, ??? organelle mitochondrion organism NC_069307_Mordacia_mordax specimen_voucher ??? mol_type genomic DNA CDS 3224..4183 codon_start 1 gene ND1 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 transl_table 2 CDS 4408..5456 codon_start 1 gene ND2 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 CDS 5806..7356 codon_start 1 gene COXI product cytochrome c oxidase subunit I transl_table 2 CDS 7566..8255 codon_start 1 gene COXII product cytochrome c oxidase subunit II transl_table 2 CDS 8329..8496 codon_start 1 gene ATPase8 product ATPase subunit 8 transl_table 2 CDS 8487..9165 codon_start 1 gene ATPase6 product ATPase subunit 6 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 CDS 9166..9951 codon_start 1 gene COXIII product cytochrome c oxidase subunit III transl_table 2 CDS 10029..10379 codon_start 1 gene ND3 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 transl_table 2 CDS 10454..10744 codon_start 1 gene ND4L product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L transl_table 2 CDS 10738..12117 codon_start 1 gene ND4 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 transl_table 2 CDS 12327..14117 codon_start 1 gene ND5 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 transl_table 2 CDS complement(14102..14623) codon_start 1 gene ND6 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 transl_table 2 CDS 15757..17220 codon_start 1 gene Cytb product cytochrome b transl_table 2 rRNA 565..1465 product 12S rRNA note the 5 or 3 end of rRNA has been adjusted rRNA 1537..3146 product 16S rRNA note the 5 or 3 end of rRNA has been adjusted tRNA 1..76 product tRNA-Phe note tRNAscan-SE Score: 25.3 tRNA 164..239 product tRNA-Phe note tRNAscan-SE Score: 25.3 tRNA 326..401 product tRNA-Phe note tRNAscan-SE Score: 25.3 tRNA complement(422..492) product tRNA-Pro tRNA 498..564 product tRNA-Phe note tRNAscan-SE Score: 60.8 tRNA 1466..1536 product tRNA-Val tRNA 3147..3220 product tRNA-Leu note Anticodon: UAA tRNA 4196..4264 product tRNA-Ile tRNA complement(4264..4334) product tRNA-Gln tRNA 4336..4405 product tRNA-Met tRNA 5457..5523 product tRNA-Trp tRNA complement(5526..5595) product tRNA-Ala tRNA complement(5597..5664) product tRNA-Asn tRNA complement(5665..5729) product tRNA-Cys tRNA complement(5733..5804) product tRNA-Tyr tRNA complement(7352..7422) product tRNA-Ser note Anticodon: UGA tRNA 7497..7565 product tRNA-Asp tRNA 8262..8327 product tRNA-Lys tRNA 9959..10027 product tRNA-Gly tRNA 10387..10452 product tRNA-Arg tRNA 12118..12186 product tRNA-His tRNA 12187..12254 product tRNA-Ser note Anticodon: GCU tRNA 12256..12326 product tRNA-Leu note Anticodon: UAG tRNA 15518..15590 product tRNA-Thr tRNA complement(15624..15694) product tRNA-Glu D-loop 14624..15517 note control region