>Feature NC_071939_Channa_stewartii 2841 3815 gene gene ND1 2841 3815 CDS codon_start 1 gene ND1 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 transl_table 2 4029 5074 gene gene ND2 4029 5074 CDS codon_start 1 gene ND2 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 5462 7003 gene gene COXI 5462 7003 CDS codon_start 1 gene COXI product cytochrome c oxidase subunit I transl_table 2 7165 7855 gene gene COXII 7165 7855 CDS codon_start 1 gene COXII product cytochrome c oxidase subunit II note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 7932 8099 gene gene ATPase8 7932 8099 CDS codon_start 1 gene ATPase8 product ATPase subunit 8 transl_table 2 8090 8772 gene gene ATPase6 8090 8772 CDS codon_start 1 gene ATPase6 product ATPase subunit 6 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 8773 9557 gene gene COXIII 8773 9557 CDS codon_start 1 gene COXIII product cytochrome c oxidase subunit III note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 9627 9975 gene gene ND3 9627 9975 CDS codon_start 1 gene ND3 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation note special start codon transl_table 2 10045 10341 gene gene ND4L 10045 10341 CDS codon_start 1 gene ND4L product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L transl_table 2 10335 11715 gene gene ND4 10335 11715 CDS codon_start 1 gene ND4 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 11928 13766 gene gene ND5 11928 13766 CDS codon_start 1 gene ND5 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 transl_table 2 14284 13763 gene gene ND6 14284 13763 CDS codon_start 1 gene ND6 product NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 transl_table 2 14358 15498 gene gene Cytb 14358 15498 CDS codon_start 1 gene Cytb product cytochrome b note Incomplete stop codon. Might indicate subsequent polyadenylation transl_table 2 70 1017 rRNA product 12S rRNA note the 5 or 3 end of rRNA has been adjusted 1089 2766 rRNA product 16S rRNA 1 69 tRNA product tRNA-Phe 1018 1089 tRNA product tRNA-Val 2767 2840 tRNA product tRNA-Leu note Anticodon: UAA 3820 3889 tRNA product tRNA-Ile 3959 3889 tRNA product tRNA-Gln 3959 4028 tRNA product tRNA-Met 5075 5144 tRNA product tRNA-Trp 5214 5146 tRNA product tRNA-Ala 5288 5216 tRNA product tRNA-Asn 5390 5326 tRNA product tRNA-Cys 5460 5391 tRNA product tRNA-Tyr 7080 7012 tRNA product tRNA-Ser note Anticodon: UGA 7086 7157 tRNA product tRNA-Asp 7856 7930 tRNA product tRNA-Lys 9558 9626 tRNA product tRNA-Gly 9976 10044 tRNA product tRNA-Arg 11716 11784 tRNA product tRNA-His 11785 11852 tRNA product tRNA-Ser note Anticodon: GCU 11855 11927 tRNA product tRNA-Leu note Anticodon: UAG 14353 14285 tRNA product tRNA-Glu 15499 15570 tRNA product tRNA-Thr 15639 15570 tRNA product tRNA-Pro 15640 15640 D-loop note control region